binding.h File Reference

Contains all functions for vsignal/expression binding. More...

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void bind_add (int type, const char *name, expression *exp, func_unit *funit)
 Adds vsignal and expression to binding list.
void bind_append_fsm_expr (expression *fsm_exp, const expression *exp, const func_unit *curr_funit)
 Appends an FSM expression to a matching expression binding structure.
void bind_remove (int id, bool clear_assigned)
 Removes the expression with ID of id from binding list.
char * bind_find_sig_name (const expression *exp)
 Searches current binding list for the signal name associated with the given expression.
void bind_rm_stmt (int id)
 Removes the statement block associated with the expression with ID of id after binding has occurred.
bool bind_signal (char *name, expression *exp, func_unit *funit_exp, bool fsm_bind, bool cdd_reading, bool clear_assigned, int exp_line, bool bind_locally)
 Binds a signal to an expression.
void bind_perform (bool cdd_reading, int pass)
 Performs vsignal/expression bind (performed after parse completed).
void bind_dealloc ()
 Deallocates memory used for binding.

Detailed Description

Contains all functions for vsignal/expression binding.

Trevor Williams (

Function Documentation

void bind_add ( int  type,
const char *  name,
expression exp,
func_unit funit 

Adds vsignal and expression to binding list.

Adds the specified signal/function/task and expression to the bindings linked list. This bindings list will be handled after all input Verilog has been parsed.

type Type of thing being bound with the specified expression (0=signal, 1=functional unit)
name Signal/Function/Task scope to bind
exp Expression ID to bind
funit Pointer to module containing specified expression

References exp_bind_s::clear_assigned, exp_bind_s::exp, exp_bind_s::fsm, exp_bind_s::funit, expression_s::line, exp_bind_s::line, malloc_safe, exp_bind_s::name, exp_bind_s::next, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, strdup_safe, and exp_bind_s::type.

Referenced by bind_task_function_ports(), db_bind_expr_tree(), db_create_expression(), expression_db_read(), gen_item_resolve(), and static_expr_gen().

00124   { PROFILE(BIND_ADD);
00126   exp_bind* eb;   /* Temporary pointer to signal/expressing binding */
00128   assert( exp != NULL );
00130   /* Create new signal/expression binding */
00131   eb                 = (exp_bind *)malloc_safe( sizeof( exp_bind ) );
00132   eb->type           = type;
00133   eb->name           = strdup_safe( name );
00134   eb->clear_assigned = 0;
00135   eb->line           = exp->line;
00136   eb->funit          = funit;
00137   eb->exp            = exp;
00138   eb->fsm            = NULL;
00139   eb->next           = NULL;
00141   /* Add new signal/expression binding to linked list */
00142   if( eb_head == NULL ) {
00143     eb_head = eb_tail = eb;
00144   } else {
00145     eb_tail->next = eb;
00146     eb_tail       = eb;
00147   }
00149   PROFILE_END;
00151 }

void bind_append_fsm_expr ( expression fsm_exp,
const expression exp,
const func_unit curr_funit 

Appends an FSM expression to a matching expression binding structure.

Searches the expression binding list for the entry that matches the given exp and curr_funit parameters. When the entry is found, the FSM expression is added to the exp_bind structure to be sized when the expression is bound.

fsm_exp Expression pertaining to an FSM input state that needs to be sized when its associated expression is bound to its signal
exp Expression to match
curr_funit Functional unit that the FSM expression resides in (this will be the same functional unit as the expression functional unit)

References exp_bind_s::exp, exp_bind_s::fsm, exp_bind_s::funit, exp_bind_s::next, PROFILE, and PROFILE_END.

Referenced by fsm_db_read().

00166   exp_bind* curr;
00168   curr = eb_head;
00169   while( (curr != NULL) && ((exp != curr->exp) || (curr_funit != curr->funit)) ) {
00170     curr = curr->next;
00171   }
00173   assert( curr != NULL );
00175   curr->fsm = fsm_exp;
00177   PROFILE_END;
00179 }

void bind_dealloc (  ) 

Deallocates memory used for binding.

Deallocates all memory used for the storage of the binding list.

References free_safe, exp_bind_s::name, exp_bind_s::next, PROFILE, and PROFILE_END.

Referenced by db_close().

00918                     { PROFILE(BIND_DEALLOC);
00920   exp_bind* tmp;  /* Temporary binding pointer */
00922   while( eb_head != NULL ) {
00924     tmp     = eb_head;
00925     eb_head = tmp->next;
00927     /* Deallocate the name, if specified */
00928     if( tmp->name != NULL ) {
00929       free_safe( tmp->name, (strlen( tmp->name ) + 1) );
00930     }
00932     /* Deallocate this structure */
00933     free_safe( tmp, sizeof( exp_bind ) );
00935   }
00937   /* Reset the head and tail pointers */
00938   eb_head = eb_tail = NULL;
00940   PROFILE_END;
00942 }

char* bind_find_sig_name ( const expression exp  ) 

Searches current binding list for the signal name associated with the given expression.

Returns the name of the signal to be bound with the given expression (if one exists); otherwise, returns NULL if no match was found.
exp Pointer to expression to search for

References exp_bind_s::exp, free_safe, exp_bind_s::funit, funit_get_curr_module_safe(), malloc_safe, func_unit_s::name, exp_bind_s::name, exp_bind_s::next, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, scope_extract_front(), scope_find_signal(), and strdup_safe.

Referenced by expression_find_rhs_sigs().

00298   exp_bind*  curr;         /* Pointer to current exp_bind link */
00299   vsignal*   found_sig;    /* Placeholder */
00300   func_unit* found_funit;  /* Specifies the functional unit containing this signal */
00301   char*      name = NULL;  /* Specifies the signal name relative to its parent module */
00302   char*      front;        /* Front part of functional unit hierarchy */
00303   char*      rest;         /* Rest of functional unit hierarchy (minus front) */
00305   /* Find matching binding element that matches the given expression */
00306   curr = eb_head;
00307   while( (curr != NULL) && (curr->exp != exp) ) {
00308     curr = curr->next;
00309   }
00311   /*
00312    If we found the matching expression, find the signal and construct its hierarchical pathname
00313    relative to its parent module.
00314   */
00315   if( curr != NULL ) {
00316     if( scope_find_signal( curr->name, curr->funit, &found_sig, &found_funit, -1 ) ) {
00317       if( funit_get_curr_module_safe( curr->funit ) == funit_get_curr_module_safe( found_funit ) ) {
00318         front = strdup_safe( found_funit->name );
00319         rest  = strdup_safe( found_funit->name );
00320         scope_extract_front( found_funit->name, front, rest );
00321         if( rest[0] != '\0' ) {
00322           unsigned int sig_size = strlen( curr->name ) + strlen( rest ) + 2;
00323           unsigned int rv;
00324           name = (char*)malloc_safe( sig_size );
00325           rv = snprintf( name, sig_size, "%s.%s", rest, curr->name );
00326           assert( rv < sig_size );
00327         }
00328         free_safe( front, (strlen( found_funit->name ) + 1) );
00329         free_safe( rest, (strlen( found_funit->name ) + 1) );
00330       }
00331     }
00332     if( name == NULL ) {
00333       name = strdup_safe( curr->name );
00334     }
00335   }
00337   PROFILE_END;
00339   return( name );
00341 }

void bind_perform ( bool  cdd_reading,
int  pass 

Performs vsignal/expression bind (performed after parse completed).

anonymous Throw param_resolve bind_signal generate_resolve bind_task_function_namedblock bind_task_function_namedblock

In the process of binding, we go through each element of the binding list, finding the signal to be bound in the specified tree, adding the expression to the signal's expression pointer list, and setting the expression vector pointer to point to the signal vector.

cdd_reading Set to TRUE if we are binding after reading the CDD file; otherwise, set to FALSE
pass Specifies the starting pass to perform (setting this to 1 will bypass resolutions)

References bind_param(), bind_remove(), bind_signal(), bind_task_function_namedblock(), Catch_anonymous, exp_bind_s::clear_assigned, curr_db, DEBUG, debug_mode, exp_bind_s::exp, expression_get_root_statement(), FALSE, func_unit_s::filename, free_safe, exp_bind_s::fsm, exp_bind_s::funit, FUNIT_NAMED_BLOCK, FUNIT_TASK, expression_s::id, inst_link_s::inst, db_s::inst_head, instance_resolve(), expression_s::line, exp_bind_s::line, exp_bind_s::name, expression_s::name, inst_link_s::next, exp_bind_s::next, obf_file, print_output(), PROFILE, PROFILE_END, stmt_blk_add_to_remove_list(), strdup_safe, Throw, TRUE, Try, exp_bind_s::type, user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, expression_s::value, VDATA_UL, vector_create(), VTYPE_EXP, and vector_s::width.

Referenced by command_exclude(), command_merge(), command_report(), covered_sim_calltf(), parse_and_score_dumpfile(), parse_design(), rank_read_cdd(), and report_read_cdd_and_ready().

00787   exp_bind*  curr_eb;   /* Pointer to current expression bind structure */
00788   int        id;        /* Current expression id -- used for removal */
00789   bool       bound;     /* Specifies if the current expression was successfully bound or not */
00790   statement* tmp_stmt;  /* Pointer to temporary statement */
00792   Try {
00794     /* Make three passes through binding list, 0=local signal/param bindings, 1=remote signal/param bindings */
00795     for( ; pass<2; pass++ ) {
00797       curr_eb = eb_head;
00798       while( curr_eb != NULL ) {
00800         /* Figure out ID to clear from the binding list after the bind occurs */
00801         if( curr_eb->clear_assigned == 0 ) {
00802           id = curr_eb->exp->id;
00803         } else {
00804           id = curr_eb->clear_assigned;
00805         }
00807         /* If the expression has already been bound, do not attempt to do it again */
00808         if( (curr_eb->exp != NULL) && (curr_eb->exp->name != NULL) ) {
00810           bound = TRUE;
00812         } else {
00814           /* Handle signal/parameter binding */
00815           if( curr_eb->type == 0 ) {
00817             /* Attempt to bind the expression to a parameter; otherwise, bind to a signal */
00818             if( !(bound = bind_param( curr_eb->name, curr_eb->exp, curr_eb->funit, curr_eb->line, (pass == 0) )) ) {
00819               bound = bind_signal( curr_eb->name, curr_eb->exp, curr_eb->funit, FALSE, cdd_reading,
00820                                    (curr_eb->clear_assigned > 0), curr_eb->line, (pass == 0) );
00821             }
00823             /* If an FSM expression is attached, size it now */
00824             if( curr_eb->fsm != NULL ) {
00825               assert( curr_eb->exp != NULL );
00826               curr_eb->fsm->value = vector_create( curr_eb->exp->value->width, VTYPE_EXP, VDATA_UL, TRUE );
00827             }
00829           /* Otherwise, handle disable binding */
00830           } else if( curr_eb->type == 1 ) {
00832             /* Attempt to bind a named block -- if unsuccessful, attempt to bind with a task */
00833             if( !(bound = bind_task_function_namedblock( FUNIT_NAMED_BLOCK, curr_eb->name, curr_eb->exp, curr_eb->funit,
00834                                                          cdd_reading, curr_eb->line, (pass == 0) )) ) {
00835               bound = bind_task_function_namedblock( FUNIT_TASK, curr_eb->name, curr_eb->exp, curr_eb->funit,
00836                                                      cdd_reading, curr_eb->line, (pass == 0) );
00837             }
00839           /* Otherwise, handle function/task binding */
00840           } else {
00842             /*
00843              Bind the expression to the task/function.  If it is unsuccessful, we need to remove the statement
00844              that this expression is a part of.
00845             */
00846             bound = bind_task_function_namedblock( curr_eb->type, curr_eb->name, curr_eb->exp, curr_eb->funit,
00847                                                    cdd_reading, curr_eb->line, (pass == 0) );
00849           }
00851           /* If we have bound successfully, copy the name of this exp_bind to the expression */
00852           if( bound && (curr_eb->exp != NULL) ) {
00853             curr_eb->exp->name = strdup_safe( curr_eb->name );
00854           }
00856         }
00858         /*
00859          If the expression was unable to be bound, put its statement block in a list to be removed after
00860          binding has been completed.
00861         */
00862         if( !bound && (curr_eb->clear_assigned == 0) && (pass == 1) ) {
00863           if( (tmp_stmt = expression_get_root_statement( curr_eb->exp )) != NULL ) {
00864 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00865             if( debug_mode ) {
00866               unsigned int rv = snprintf( user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, "Removing statement block containing line %d in file \"%s\", because it was unbindable",
00867                                           curr_eb->exp->line, obf_file( curr_eb->funit->filename ) );
00868               assert( rv < USER_MSG_LENGTH );
00869               print_output( user_msg, DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
00870             }
00871 #endif        
00872             stmt_blk_add_to_remove_list( tmp_stmt );
00873           }
00874         }
00876         curr_eb = curr_eb->next;
00878         /* Remove this from the binding list */
00879         if( bound ) {
00880           bind_remove( id, FALSE );
00881         }
00883       }
00885 #ifndef VPI_ONLY
00886       /* If we are in parse mode, resolve all parameters, generate blocks and arrays of instances now */
00887       if( !cdd_reading && (pass == 0) ) {
00888         inst_link* instl = db_list[curr_db]->inst_head;
00889         while( instl != NULL ) {
00890           instance_resolve( instl->inst );
00891           instl = instl->next;
00892         }
00893       }
00894 #endif
00896     }
00898   } Catch_anonymous {
00899     exp_bind* tmp_eb;
00900     curr_eb = eb_head;
00901     while( curr_eb != NULL ) {
00902       tmp_eb  = curr_eb;
00903       curr_eb = curr_eb->next;
00904       free_safe( tmp_eb->name, (strlen( tmp_eb->name ) + 1) );
00905       free_safe( tmp_eb, sizeof( exp_bind ) );
00906     }
00907     eb_head = eb_tail = NULL;
00908     Throw 0;
00909   }
00911   PROFILE_END;
00913 }

void bind_remove ( int  id,
bool  clear_assigned 

Removes the expression with ID of id from binding list.

Removes the binding containing the expression ID of id. This needs to be called before an expression is removed.

id Expression ID of binding to remove
clear_assigned If set to TRUE, clears the assigned bit in the specified expression

References exp_bind_s::clear_assigned, exp_bind_s::exp, free_safe, expression_s::id, exp_bind_s::name, exp_bind_s::next, PROFILE, and PROFILE_END.

Referenced by bind_perform(), and expression_dealloc().

00240   exp_bind* curr;  /* Pointer to current exp_bind link */
00241   exp_bind* last;  /* Pointer to last exp_bind link examined */
00243   curr = eb_head;
00244   last = eb_head;
00246   while( curr != NULL ) {
00248     if( ((curr->exp != NULL) && (curr->exp->id == id)) || (curr->clear_assigned == id) ) {
00250       if( clear_assigned ) {
00252         curr->clear_assigned = id;
00253         curr->exp            = NULL;
00255       } else {
00257         /* Remove this binding element */
00258         if( (curr == eb_head) && (curr == eb_tail) ) {
00259           eb_head = eb_tail = NULL;
00260         } else if( curr == eb_head ) {
00261           eb_head = eb_head->next;
00262         } else if( curr == eb_tail ) {
00263           eb_tail       = last;
00264           eb_tail->next = NULL;
00265         } else {
00266           last->next = curr->next;
00267         }
00269         /* Now free the binding element memory */
00270         free_safe( curr->name, (strlen( curr->name ) + 1) );
00271         free_safe( curr, sizeof( exp_bind ) );
00273       }
00275       curr = NULL;
00277     } else {
00279       last = curr;
00280       curr = curr->next;
00282     }
00284   }
00286   PROFILE_END;
00288 }

void bind_rm_stmt ( int  id  ) 

Removes the statement block associated with the expression with ID of id after binding has occurred.

bool bind_signal ( char *  name,
expression exp,
func_unit funit_exp,
bool  fsm_bind,
bool  cdd_reading,
bool  clear_assigned,
int  exp_line,
bool  bind_locally 

Binds a signal to an expression.

Returns TRUE if bind occurred successfully; otherwise, returns FALSE.
anonymous expression_set_value

Performs a binding of an expression and signal based on the name of the signal. Looks up signal name in the specified functional unit and sets the expression and signal to point to each other. If the signal is unused, the bind does not occur and the function returns a value of FALSE. If the signal does not exist, it is considered to be an implicit signal and a 1-bit signal is created.

name String name of signal to bind to specified expression
exp Pointer to expression to bind
funit_exp Pointer to functional unit containing expression
fsm_bind If set to TRUE, handling binding for FSM binding
cdd_reading If set to TRUE, specifies that we are binding after reading a design from a CDD file (instead of the design files)
clear_assigned If set to TRUE, clears signal assigned bit
exp_line Line of specified expression (when expression is NULL)
bind_locally If TRUE, only search for specified signal within the same functional unit as this expression

References ssuppl_u::assigned, expression_s::col, DEBUG, debug_mode, vsignal_s::dim, ESUPPL_IS_LHS, statement_s::exp, exp_link_s::exp, vsignal_s::exp_head, exp_link_add(), EXP_OP_MBIT_NEG, EXP_OP_MBIT_POS, EXP_OP_MBIT_SEL, EXP_OP_PARAM, EXP_OP_PARAM_MBIT, EXP_OP_PARAM_MBIT_NEG, EXP_OP_PARAM_MBIT_POS, EXP_OP_PARAM_SBIT, EXP_OP_PASSIGN, EXP_OP_SBIT_SEL, EXP_OP_SIG, EXP_OP_TRIGGER, vsignal_s::exp_tail, expression_create_nba(), expression_get_root_statement(), expression_is_nba_lhs(), expression_set_assigned(), expression_set_signed(), expression_set_value(), FALSE, FATAL, func_unit_s::filename, esuppl_u::gen_expr, expression_s::id, expression_s::line, dim_range_s::lsb, malloc_safe, ssuppl_u::mba, dim_range_s::msb, func_unit_s::name, exp_link_s::next, ssuppl_u::not_handled, obf_file, obf_funit, obf_sig, expression_s::op, ovl_is_assertion_module(), esuppl_u::owns_vec, ssuppl_u::part, expression_s::part, esuppl_u::part, vsignal_s::pdim_num, print_output(), PROFILE, PROFILE_END, expression_s::right, scope_find_signal(), scope_local(), expression_s::sig, func_unit_s::sig_head, sig_link_add(), func_unit_s::sig_tail, SSUPPL_TYPE_GENVAR, SSUPPL_TYPE_IMPLICIT, SSUPPL_TYPE_MEM, stmt_blk_add_to_remove_list(), vsignal_s::suppl, expression_s::suppl, Throw, TRUE, ssuppl_u::type, user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, vsignal_s::value, expression_s::value, vector_dealloc(), vsignal_create(), WARNING, and WARNING_WRAP.

Referenced by bind_perform(), and fsm_var_bind_expr().

00422   bool         retval = TRUE;  /* Return value for this function */
00423   vsignal*     found_sig;      /* Pointer to found signal in design for the given name */
00424   func_unit*   found_funit;    /* Pointer to found functional unit containing given signal */
00425   statement*   stmt;           /* Pointer to root statement for the given expression */
00426   exp_link*    expl;           /* Pointer to current expression link */
00427   unsigned int rv;             /* Return value from snprintf calls */
00429   /* Skip signal binding if the name is not local and we are binding locally */
00430   if( scope_local( name ) || !bind_locally || (!clear_assigned && (exp->op == EXP_OP_PASSIGN)) ) {
00432     /* Search for specified signal in current functional unit */
00433     if( !scope_find_signal( name, funit_exp, &found_sig, &found_funit, exp_line ) ) {
00435       /* If we are binding an FSM, output an error message */
00436       if( fsm_bind ) {
00437         rv = snprintf( user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, "Unable to find specified FSM signal \"%s\" in module \"%s\" in file %s",
00438                        obf_sig( name ), obf_funit( funit_exp->name ), obf_file( funit_exp->filename ) );
00439         assert( rv < USER_MSG_LENGTH );
00440         print_output( user_msg, FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
00441         retval = FALSE;
00443       /* If the expression is within a generate expression, emit an error message */
00444       } else if( (exp != NULL) && (exp->suppl.part.gen_expr == 1) ) {
00445         rv = snprintf( user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, "Generate expression could not find variable (%s), file %s, line %d",
00446                        obf_sig( name ), obf_file( funit_exp->filename ), exp_line );
00447         assert( rv < USER_MSG_LENGTH );
00448         print_output( user_msg, FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
00449         Throw 0;
00451       /* Otherwise, implicitly create the signal and bind to it if the signal exists on the LHS of the equation */
00452       } else if( (exp != NULL) && (ESUPPL_IS_LHS( exp->suppl ) == 1) ) {
00453         rv = snprintf( user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, "Implicit declaration of signal \"%s\", creating 1-bit version of signal", obf_sig( name ) );
00454         assert( rv < USER_MSG_LENGTH );
00455         print_output( user_msg, WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
00456         rv = snprintf( user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, "module \"%s\", file \"%s\", line %d",
00457                        obf_funit( funit_exp->name ), obf_file( funit_exp->filename ), exp_line );
00458         assert( rv < USER_MSG_LENGTH );
00459         print_output( user_msg, WARNING_WRAP, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
00460         found_sig = vsignal_create( name, SSUPPL_TYPE_IMPLICIT, 1, exp->line, exp->col.part.first );
00461         found_sig->pdim_num   = 1;
00462         found_sig->dim        = (dim_range*)malloc_safe( sizeof( dim_range ) * 1 );
00463         found_sig->dim[0].msb = 0;
00464         found_sig->dim[0].lsb = 0;
00465         sig_link_add( found_sig, &(funit_exp->sig_head), &(funit_exp->sig_tail) );
00467       /* Otherwise, don't attempt to bind the signal */
00468       } else {
00469         retval = FALSE;
00470       }
00472     } else {
00474       /* If the found signal is not handled, do not attempt to bind to it */
00475       if( found_sig->suppl.part.not_handled == 1 ) {
00476         retval = FALSE;
00477       }
00479       /*
00480        If the expression is a generate expression on the LHS and the found signal is not a generate variable, emit an error message
00481        and exit immediately.
00482       */
00483       if( (exp != NULL) && (exp->suppl.part.gen_expr == 1) && (ESUPPL_IS_LHS( exp->suppl ) == 1) && (found_sig->suppl.part.type != SSUPPL_TYPE_GENVAR) ) {
00484         rv = snprintf( user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, "Attempting to bind an generate expression to a signal that is not a genvar, file %s, line %d",
00485                        obf_file( funit_exp->filename ), exp_line );
00486         assert( rv < USER_MSG_LENGTH );
00487         print_output( user_msg, FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
00488         Throw 0;
00489       }
00491     }
00493     if( retval ) {
00495       /* Bind signal and expression if we are not clearing or this is an MBA */
00496       if( !clear_assigned ) {
00498         assert( exp != NULL );
00500         /* Add expression to signal expression list */
00501         exp_link_add( exp, &(found_sig->exp_head), &(found_sig->exp_tail) );
00503         /* Set expression to point at signal */
00504         exp->sig = found_sig;
00506         /* If this is a port assignment, we need to link the expression and signal together immediately */
00507         if( exp->op == EXP_OP_PASSIGN ) {
00508           vector_dealloc( exp->value );
00509           exp->suppl.part.owns_vec = 0;
00510           exp->value = found_sig->value;
00511         }
00513         if( ((exp->op == EXP_OP_SIG)            ||
00514              (exp->op == EXP_OP_SBIT_SEL)       ||
00515              (exp->op == EXP_OP_MBIT_SEL)       ||
00516              (exp->op == EXP_OP_MBIT_POS)       ||
00517              (exp->op == EXP_OP_MBIT_NEG)       ||
00518              (exp->op == EXP_OP_PARAM)          ||
00519              (exp->op == EXP_OP_PARAM_SBIT)     ||
00520              (exp->op == EXP_OP_PARAM_MBIT)     ||
00521              (exp->op == EXP_OP_PARAM_MBIT_POS) ||
00522              (exp->op == EXP_OP_PARAM_MBIT_NEG) ||
00523              (exp->op == EXP_OP_TRIGGER)) &&
00524             (cdd_reading || (found_sig->suppl.part.type == SSUPPL_TYPE_GENVAR)) ) {
00525           expression_set_value( exp, found_sig, funit_exp );
00526         }
00528         /*
00529          Create a non-blocking assignment handler for the given expression if the attached signal is a memory
00530          and the expression is assignable on the LHS of a non-blocking assignment operator.  Only perform this
00531          if we are reading from the CDD file and binding.
00532         */
00533         if( cdd_reading && (found_sig->suppl.part.type == SSUPPL_TYPE_MEM) ) {
00534           expression* nba_exp;
00535           if( (nba_exp = expression_is_nba_lhs( exp )) != NULL ) {
00536             expression_create_nba( exp, found_sig, nba_exp->right->value );
00537           }
00538         }
00540       }
00542       if( !cdd_reading ) {
00544         /* Check to see if this signal should be assigned by Covered or the dumpfile */
00545         if( clear_assigned ) {
00546           found_sig->suppl.part.assigned = 0;
00547         }
00549         if( !clear_assigned &&
00550             ((exp->op == EXP_OP_SIG)      ||
00551              (exp->op == EXP_OP_SBIT_SEL) ||
00552              (exp->op == EXP_OP_MBIT_SEL) ||
00553              (exp->op == EXP_OP_MBIT_POS) ||
00554              (exp->op == EXP_OP_MBIT_NEG)) &&
00555             !ovl_is_assertion_module( funit_exp ) ) {
00556           expression_set_assigned( exp );
00557         }
00559         /* Set signed bits */
00560         if( !clear_assigned ) {
00561           expression_set_signed( exp );
00562         }
00564         /*
00565          If the signal is found for the given expression but the signal is marked as "must be assigned" but is also marked as
00566          "won't be assigned", we need to remove all statement blocks that contain this signal from coverage consideration.
00567         */
00568         if( (found_sig->suppl.part.assigned == 0) && (found_sig-> == 1) ) {
00569           expl = found_sig->exp_head;
00570           while( expl != NULL ) {
00571             if( (stmt = expression_get_root_statement( expl->exp )) != NULL ) {
00572 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00573               if( debug_mode ) {
00574                 unsigned int rv = snprintf( user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, "Removing statement block %d, line %d because it needed to be assigned but would not be",
00575                                             stmt->exp->id, stmt->exp->line );
00576                 assert( rv < USER_MSG_LENGTH );
00577                 print_output( user_msg, DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
00578               }
00579 #endif
00580               stmt_blk_add_to_remove_list( stmt );
00581             }
00582             expl = expl->next;
00583           }
00584         }
00586       }
00588     }
00590   } else {
00592     retval = FALSE;
00594   }
00596   PROFILE_END;
00598   return( retval );
00600 }

Generated on Sun Nov 21 00:55:36 2010 for Covered by  doxygen 1.6.3