sim.c File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "defines.h"
#include "expr.h"
#include "func_unit.h"
#include "instance.h"
#include "link.h"
#include "reentrant.h"
#include "sim.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "vsignal.h"


void sim_display_thread (const thread *thr, bool show_queue, bool endl)
 Displays the given thread to standard output (for debug purposes only).
static void sim_display_queue (thread *queue_head, thread *queue_tail)
void sim_display_active_queue ()
void sim_display_delay_queue ()
void sim_display_all_list ()
 Displays the state of all threads.
threadsim_current_thread ()
 Returns a pointer to the current thread at the head of the active queue.
static void sim_thread_pop_head ()
void sim_thread_insert_into_delay_queue (thread *thr, const sim_time *time)
 Inserts the given thread into the delay queue at the given time slot.
void sim_thread_push (thread *thr, const sim_time *time)
 Pushes given thread onto the active queue.
void sim_expr_changed (expression *expr, const sim_time *time)
 Adds specified expression's statement to pre-simulation statement queue.
static threadsim_create_thread (thread *parent, statement *stmt, func_unit *funit)
threadsim_add_thread (thread *parent, statement *stmt, func_unit *funit, const sim_time *time)
 Creates a thread for the given statement and adds it to the thread simulation queue.
static void sim_kill_thread (thread *thr)
void sim_kill_thread_with_funit (func_unit *funit)
 Deallocates thread and removes it from parent and thread queue lists for specified functional unit.
static void sim_add_statics ()
bool sim_expression (expression *expr, thread *thr, const sim_time *time, bool lhs)
 Simulates a given expression tree, only performing needed operations as it traverses the tree.
void sim_thread (thread *thr, const sim_time *time)
 Simulates one thread until it has either completed or enters a context switch.
bool sim_simulate (const sim_time *time)
 Simulates current timestep.
void sim_initialize ()
 Initializes the simulator.
void sim_stop ()
 Causes the simulation to stop and enter into CLI mode.
void sim_finish ()
 Causes simulator to finish gracefully.
void sim_add_nonblock_assign (nonblock_assign *nba, int lhs_lsb, int lhs_msb, int rhs_lsb, int rhs_msb)
 Updates the given non-blocking assign structure and adds it to the non-blocking assignment queue.
void sim_perform_nba (const sim_time *time)
 Performs non-blocking assignment for currently queued assignment items for the current timestep.
void sim_dealloc ()
 Deallocates all memory for simulator.


char user_msg [USER_MSG_LENGTH]
bool debug_mode
exp_info exp_op_info [EXP_OP_NUM]
bool flag_use_command_line_debug
exp_linkstatic_expr_head = NULL
exp_linkstatic_expr_tail = NULL
static threadall_head = NULL
static threadall_tail = NULL
static threadall_next = NULL
static threadactive_head = NULL
static threadactive_tail = NULL
static threaddelayed_head = NULL
static threaddelayed_tail = NULL
static const char * thread_state_str [4] = {"NONE", "ACTIVE", "DELAYED", "WAITING"}
static bool simulate = TRUE
static bool force_stop = FALSE
static nonblock_assign ** nba_queue = NULL
int nba_queue_size = 0
static int nba_queue_curr_size = 0

Detailed Description

Trevor Williams (
The simulation engine is made up of three parts:
  1. pre-simulation statement queue
  2. statement simulation engine
  3. expression simulation engine
The operation of the simulation engine is as follows. When a signal is found in the VCD file, the expressions to which it is a part of the RHS are looked up in the design tree. The expression tree is then parsed from the expression to the root, setting the ESUPPL_IS_LEFT_CHANGED or ESUPPL_IS_RIGHT_CHANGED as it makes its way to the root. When at the root expression, the parent pointer is to the statement that owns the expression tree and its head bit is interrogated. If this bit is a 1, the expression's statement is loaded into the pre-simulation statement queue. If the bit is a 0, no further action is taken.
Once the timestep marker has been set, the simulate function is called. The statement located at the head of the queue is placed into the statement simulation engine and the head pointer is set to point to the next statement in the queue. The head statement is continually taken until the pre-simulation statement queue is empty. This signifies that the timestep has been completed.
When a statement is placed into the statement simulation engine, the head bit is cleared in the root expression. Additionally, the root expression pointed to by the statement is interrogated to see if the ESUPPL_IS_LEFT_CHANGED or ESUPPL_IS_RIGHT_CHANGED bits are set. If one or both of the bits are found to be set, the root expression is placed into the expression simulation engine for further processing. When the statement's expression has completed its simulation, the value of the root expression is used to determine if the next_true or next_false path will be taken. If the value of the root expression is true, the next_true statement is loaded into the statement simulation engine. If the value of the root expression is false and the next_false pointer is NULL, this signifies that the current statement tree has completed for this timestep. At this point, the current statement will set the head bit in its root expression and is removed from the statement simulation engine. The next statement at the head of the pre-simulation statement queue is then loaded into the statement simulation engine. If next_false statement is not NULL, it is loaded into the statement simulation engine and work is done on that statement.
When a root expression is placed into the expression simulation engine, the tree is traversed, following the paths that have set ESUPPL_IS_LEFT_CHANGED or ESUPPL_IS_RIGHT_CHANGED bits set. Each expression tree is traversed depth first. When an expression is reached that does not have either of these bits set, we have reached the expression whose value has changed. When this expression is found, it is evaluated and the resulting value is stored into its value vector. Once this has occurred, the parent expression checks to see if the other child expression has changed value. If so, that child expression's tree is traversed. Once both child expressions contain the current value for the current timestep, the parent expression evaluates its expression with the values of its children and clears both the ESUPPL_IS_LEFT_CHANGED and ESUPPL_IS_RIGHT_CHANGED bits to indicate that both children were evaluated. The resulting value is stored into the current expression's value vector and the parent expression of the current expression is worked on. This evaluation process continues until the root expression of the tree has been evaluated. At this point the expression tree is removed from the expression simulation engine and the associated statement worked on by the statement simulation engine as specified above.

Function Documentation

void sim_add_nonblock_assign ( nonblock_assign nba,
int  lhs_lsb,
int  lhs_msb,
int  rhs_lsb,
int  rhs_msb 

Updates the given non-blocking assign structure and adds it to the non-blocking assignment queue.

Updates and adds the given non-blocking assignment structure to the simulation queue.

nba Pointer to non-blocking assignment to updated and add
lhs_lsb LSB of left-hand-side vector to assign
lhs_msb MSB of left-hand-side vector to assign
rhs_lsb LSB of right-hand-side vector to assign from
rhs_msb MSB of right-hand-side vector to assign from

References nonblock_assign_s::added, nonblock_assign_s::lhs_lsb, nonblock_assign_s::lhs_msb, nba_queue_curr_size, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, nonblock_assign_s::rhs_lsb, nonblock_assign_s::rhs_msb, and nonblock_assign_s::suppl.

Referenced by expression_assign().

01228   /* Update the non-blocking assignment structure */
01229   nba->lhs_lsb = lhs_lsb;
01230   nba->lhs_msb = lhs_msb;
01231   nba->rhs_lsb = rhs_lsb;
01232   nba->rhs_msb = rhs_msb;
01234   /* Add it to the simulation queue (if it has not been already) */
01235   if( nba->suppl.added == 0 ) {
01236     nba_queue[nba_queue_curr_size++] = nba;
01237     nba->suppl.added = 1;
01238   }
01240   PROFILE_END;
01242 }

static void sim_add_statics (  )  [static]

Iterates through static expression list and causes the simulator to evaluate these expressions at simulation time.

References exp_link_s::exp, exp_link_delete_list(), FALSE, sim_time_s::final, sim_time_s::full, sim_time_s::hi, sim_time_s::lo, exp_link_s::next, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, and sim_expr_changed().

Referenced by sim_initialize().

00887                               { PROFILE(SIM_ADD_STATICS);
00889   exp_link* curr;   /* Pointer to current expression link */
00890   sim_time  time;   /* Current simulation time */
00892   /* Initialize the time to 0 */
00893   time.lo    = 0;
00894   time.hi    = 0;
00895   time.full  = 0;
00896 = FALSE;
00898   curr = static_expr_head;
00899   while( curr != NULL ) {
00900     sim_expr_changed( curr->exp, &time );
00901     curr = curr->next;
00902   }
00904   exp_link_delete_list( static_expr_head, FALSE );
00905   static_expr_head = static_expr_tail = NULL;
00907   PROFILE_END;
00909 }

thread* sim_add_thread ( thread parent,
statement stmt,
func_unit funit,
const sim_time time 

Creates a thread for the given statement and adds it to the thread simulation queue.

Returns the pointer to the thread that was added to the active queue (if one was added).

Creates a new thread with the given information and adds the thread to the active queue to run. Returns a pointer to the newly created thread for joining/running purposes.

parent Pointer to parent thread of the new thread to create (set to NULL if there is no parent thread)
stmt Pointer to head statement to have new thread point to
funit Pointer to functional unit that is creating this thread
time Pointer to current simulation time

References thread_s::active_children, thread_s::all, thread_s::curr, thread_s::curr_time, debug_mode, esuppl_u::eval_t, statement_s::exp, EXP_OP_ALWAYS_COMB, EXP_OP_ALWAYS_LATCH, FALSE, sim_time_s::final, flag_use_command_line_debug, sim_time_s::full, sim_time_s::hi, sim_time_s::lo, expression_s::op, thread_s::parent, esuppl_u::part, thread_s::part, statement_s::part, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, thread_s::queue_next, thread_s::queue_prev, expression_s::right, sim_create_thread(), sim_display_active_queue(), sim_display_all_list(), sim_display_thread(), sim_thread_insert_into_delay_queue(), expression_s::suppl, thread_s::suppl, statement_s::suppl, THR_ST_ACTIVE, and TRUE.

Referenced by expression_op_func__fork(), expression_op_func__func_call(), expression_op_func__nb_call(), expression_op_func__task_call(), and statement_db_read().

00663   thread* thr = NULL;  /* Pointer to added thread */
00665   /* Only add expression if it is the head statement of its statement block */
00666   if( stmt->suppl.part.head == 1 ) {
00668     /* Create thread, if needed */
00669     thr = sim_create_thread( parent, stmt, funit );
00671     /* Initialize thread runtime components */
00672     thr->suppl.all       = 0;
00673     thr->active_children = 0;
00674     thr->queue_prev      = NULL;
00675     thr->queue_next      = NULL;
00677     /*
00678      If the parent thread is specified, update our current time, increment the number of active children in the parent
00679      and add ourselves between the parent thread and its next pointer.
00680     */
00681     if( thr->parent != NULL ) {
00683       thr->curr_time = thr->parent->curr_time;
00684       thr->parent->active_children++;
00686       /* Place ourselves between the parent and its queue_next pointer */
00687       thr->queue_next = thr->parent->queue_next;
00688       thr->parent->queue_next = thr;
00689       if( thr->queue_next == NULL ) {
00690         active_tail = thr;
00691       } else {
00692         thr->queue_next->queue_prev = thr;
00693       }
00694       thr->queue_prev = thr->parent;
00695       thr->suppl.part.state = THR_ST_ACTIVE;    /* We will place the thread immediately into the active queue */
00697     } else {
00699       thr->curr_time = *time;
00701       /*
00702        If this statement is an always_comb or always_latch, add it to the delay list and change its right
00703        expression so that it will be executed at time 0 after all initial and always blocks have completed
00704       */
00705       if( (thr->curr->exp->op == EXP_OP_ALWAYS_COMB) || (thr->curr->exp->op == EXP_OP_ALWAYS_LATCH) ) {
00707         sim_time tmp_time;
00709         /* Add this thread into the delay queue at time 0 */
00710         tmp_time.lo    = 0;
00711         tmp_time.hi    = 0;
00712         tmp_time.full  = 0LL;
00713 = FALSE;
00714         sim_thread_insert_into_delay_queue( thr, &tmp_time );
00716         /* Specify that this block should be evaluated */
00717         thr->curr->exp->right->suppl.part.eval_t = 1;
00719       } else {
00721         /* If the statement block is specified as a final block, add it to the end of the delay queue */
00722         if( thr->curr-> == 1 ) {
00724           sim_time tmp_time;
00726           tmp_time.lo    = 0xffffffff;
00727           tmp_time.hi    = 0xffffffff;
00728           tmp_time.full  = UINT64(0xffffffffffffffff);
00729  = TRUE;
00730           sim_thread_insert_into_delay_queue( thr, &tmp_time );
00732         /* Otherwise, add it to the active thread list */
00733         } else {
00735           if( active_head == NULL ) {
00736             active_head = active_tail = thr;
00737           } else {
00738             thr->queue_prev         = active_tail;
00739             active_tail->queue_next = thr;
00740             active_tail             = thr;
00741           }
00742           thr->suppl.part.state = THR_ST_ACTIVE;
00744         }
00746       }
00748     }
00750 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00751     if( debug_mode && !flag_use_command_line_debug ) {
00752       printf( "Adding thread: " );
00753       sim_display_thread( thr, FALSE, TRUE );
00754       printf( "After thread is added to active queue...\n" );
00755       sim_display_active_queue();
00756       sim_display_all_list();
00757     }
00758 #endif
00760   }
00762   PROFILE_END;
00764   return( thr );
00766 }

static thread* sim_create_thread ( thread parent,
statement stmt,
func_unit funit 
) [static]
Returns a pointer to the newly allocated and initialized thread

Allocates a new thread for simulation purposes and initializes the thread structure with everything that can be done at time 0. This function does not place the thread into any queues (this is left to the sim_add_thread function).

parent Pointer to parent thread (if one exists) of the newly created thread
stmt Pointer to the statement that is the head statement of the thread's block
funit Pointer to functional unit containing the new thread

References thread_s::all, thread_s::all_next, thread_s::all_prev, thread_s::curr, thread_s::curr_time, FALSE, sim_time_s::final, sim_time_s::full, thread_s::funit, funit_add_thread(), sim_time_s::hi, sim_time_s::lo, malloc_safe, thread_s::parent, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, thread_s::queue_next, thread_s::queue_prev, thread_s::ren, and thread_s::suppl.

Referenced by sim_add_thread().

00601   thread* thr;  /* Pointer to newly allocated thread */
00603   /* If the next thread to use is empty, create a new one and add it to the end of the all pool */
00604   if( all_next == NULL ) {
00606     /* Allocate the new thread */
00607     thr           = (thread*)malloc_safe( sizeof( thread ) );
00608     thr->all_prev = NULL;
00609     thr->all_next = NULL;
00611     /* Place newly allocated thread in the all_threads pool */
00612     if( all_head == NULL ) {
00613       all_head = all_tail = thr;
00614     } else {
00615       thr->all_prev      = all_tail;
00616       all_tail->all_next = thr;
00617       all_tail           = thr;
00618     }
00620   /* Otherwise, select the next thread and advance the all_next pointer */
00621   } else {
00623     thr = all_next; 
00624     all_next = all_next->all_next;
00626   }
00628   /* Initialize the contents of the thread */
00629   thr->funit           = funit;
00630   thr->parent          = parent;
00631   thr->curr            = stmt;
00632   thr->ren             = NULL;
00633   thr->suppl.all       = 0;  /* Sets the current state of the thread to NONE */
00634   thr->curr_time.lo    = 0;
00635   thr->curr_time.hi    = 0;
00636   thr->curr_time.full  = 0LL;
00637   thr-> = FALSE;
00638   thr->queue_prev      = NULL;
00639   thr->queue_next      = NULL;
00641   /* Add this thread to the given functional unit */
00642   funit_add_thread( funit, thr );
00644   PROFILE_END;
00646   return( thr );
00648 }

thread* sim_current_thread (  ) 

Returns a pointer to the current thread at the head of the active queue.

Returns a pointer to the current head of the active thread queue.

References PROFILE.

00303                              { PROFILE(SIM_CURRENT_THREAD);
00305   return( active_head );
00307 }

void sim_dealloc (  ) 

Deallocates all memory for simulator.

Deallocates all allocated memory for simulation code.

References thread_s::all_next, cli_debug_mode, exp_link_delete_list(), FALSE, free_safe, nba_queue_size, PROFILE, and PROFILE_END.

Referenced by covered_end_of_sim(), parse_and_score_dumpfile(), and parse_design().

01285                    { PROFILE(SIM_DEALLOC);
01287   thread* tmp;  /* Temporary thread pointer */
01289   /* Deallocate each thread in the all_threads array */
01290   while( all_head != NULL ) {
01291     tmp = all_head;
01292     all_head = all_head->all_next;
01293     free_safe( tmp, sizeof( thread ) );
01294   }
01296   all_head     = all_tail     = all_next = NULL;
01297   active_head  = active_tail  = NULL;
01298   delayed_head = delayed_tail = NULL;
01300   /* Deallocate all static expressions, if there are any */
01301   exp_link_delete_list( static_expr_head, FALSE );
01303   /* Deallocate the non-blocking assignment queue */
01304   free_safe( nba_queue, (sizeof( nonblock_assign ) * nba_queue_size) );
01306 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
01307 #ifndef VPI_ONLY
01308   /* Clear CLI debug mode */
01309   cli_debug_mode = FALSE;
01310 #endif
01311 #endif
01313   PROFILE_END;
01315 }

void sim_display_active_queue (  ) 

Displays the current state of the active queue (for debug purposes only).

References sim_display_queue().

Referenced by sim_add_thread(), sim_kill_thread(), sim_thread_pop_head(), and sim_thread_push().

00258                                 {
00260   sim_display_queue( active_head, active_tail );
00262 }

void sim_display_all_list (  ) 

Displays the state of all threads.

Displays the current state of the all_threads list (for debug purposes only).

References thread_s::all_next, FALSE, and sim_display_thread().

Referenced by sim_add_thread(), sim_kill_thread(), sim_thread_insert_into_delay_queue(), and sim_thread_push().

00276                             {
00278   thread* thr;  /* Pointer to current thread */
00280   printf( "ALL THREADS:\n" );
00282   thr = all_head;
00283   while( thr != NULL ) {
00284     sim_display_thread( thr, FALSE, FALSE );
00285     if( thr == all_head ) {
00286       printf( "H" );
00287     }
00288     if( thr == all_tail ) {
00289       printf( "T" );
00290     }
00291     if( thr == all_next ) {
00292       printf( "N" );
00293     }
00294     printf( "\n" );
00295     thr = thr->all_next;
00296   }
00298 }

void sim_display_delay_queue (  ) 

Displays the current state of the delay queue (for debug purposes only).

References sim_display_queue().

Referenced by sim_simulate(), and sim_thread_insert_into_delay_queue().

00267                                {
00269   sim_display_queue( delayed_head, delayed_tail );
00271 }

static void sim_display_queue ( thread queue_head,
thread queue_tail 
) [static]

Displays the current state of the active queue (for debug purposes only).

queue_head Pointer to head of queue to display
queue_tail Pointer to tail of queue to display

References FALSE, thread_s::queue_next, sim_display_thread(), and TRUE.

Referenced by sim_display_active_queue(), and sim_display_delay_queue().

00236   {
00238   thread* thr;  /* Pointer to current thread */
00240   thr = queue_head;
00241   while( thr != NULL ) {
00242     sim_display_thread( thr, TRUE, FALSE );
00243     if( thr == queue_head ) {
00244       printf( "H" );
00245     }
00246     if( thr == queue_tail ) {
00247       printf( "T" );
00248     }
00249     printf( "\n" );
00250     thr = thr->queue_next;
00251   }
00253 }

void sim_display_thread ( const thread thr,
bool  show_queue,
bool  endl 

Displays the given thread to standard output (for debug purposes only).

Displays the contents of the given thread to standard output.

thr Pointer to thread to display to standard output
show_queue If set to TRUE, displays queue_prev/queue_next; otherwise, displays all_prev/all_next
endl If set to TRUE, prints a newline character

References thread_s::all_next, thread_s::all_prev, thread_s::curr, thread_s::curr_time, statement_s::exp, expression_string_op(), sim_time_s::full, expression_s::id, expression_s::line, expression_s::op, thread_s::parent, thread_s::part, thread_s::queue_next, thread_s::queue_prev, thread_s::suppl, and thread_state_str.

Referenced by sim_add_thread(), sim_display_all_list(), and sim_display_queue().

00200   {
00202   if( !endl ) {
00203     printf( "    " );
00204   }
00206   /*@-duplicatequals -formatcode -formattype@*/
00207   printf( "time %" FMT64 "u, ", thr->curr_time.full );
00208   /*@=duplicatequals =formatcode =formattype@*/
00210   if( thr->curr == NULL ) {
00211     printf( "stmt NONE, " );
00212   } else {
00213     printf( "stmt %d, ", thr->curr->exp->id );
00214     printf( "%s, ", expression_string_op( thr->curr->exp->op ) );
00215     printf( "line %d, ", thr->curr->exp->line );
00216   }
00218   printf( "state %s ", thread_state_str[thr->suppl.part.state] );
00219   printf( "(%p, ", thr );
00220   printf( "parent=%p, ", thr->parent );
00221   printf( "prev=%p, ", (show_queue ? thr->queue_prev : thr->all_prev) );
00222   printf( "next=%p)  ", (show_queue ? thr->queue_next : thr->all_next) );
00224   if( endl ) {
00225     printf( "\n" );
00226   }
00228 }

void sim_expr_changed ( expression expr,
const sim_time time 

Adds specified expression's statement to pre-simulation statement queue.

Traverses up expression tree pointed to by leaf node expr, setting the CHANGED bits as it reaches the root expression. When the root expression is found, the statement pointed to by the root's parent pointer is added to the pre-simulation statement queue for simulation at the end of the timestep. If, upon traversing the tree, an expression is found to already be have a CHANGED bit set, we know that the statement has already been added, so stop here and do not add the statement again.

expr Pointer to expression that contains a changed signal value
time Specifies current simulation time for the thread to push

References DEBUG, debug_mode, ESUPPL_IS_LEFT_CHANGED, ESUPPL_IS_RIGHT_CHANGED, ESUPPL_IS_ROOT, EXP_OP_COND, expr_stmt_u::expr, expression_string_op(), sim_time_s::full, statement_s::funit, funit_push_threads(), expression_s::id, expression_s::left, esuppl_u::left_changed, expression_s::line, expression_s::op, expression_s::parent, esuppl_u::part, print_output(), PROFILE, PROFILE_END, esuppl_u::right_changed, expr_stmt_u::stmt, expression_s::suppl, user_msg, and USER_MSG_LENGTH.

Referenced by fsm_table_set(), sim_add_statics(), and vsignal_propagate().

00515   assert( expr != NULL );
00517   /* Set my left_changed bit to indicate to sim_expression that it should evaluate me */
00518   expr->suppl.part.left_changed = 1;
00520   while( ESUPPL_IS_ROOT( expr->suppl ) == 0 ) {
00522     expression* parent = expr->parent->expr;
00524 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00525     if( debug_mode ) {
00526       unsigned int rv = snprintf( user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, "In sim_expr_changed, expr %d, op %s, line %d, left_changed: %d, right_changed: %d, time: %" FMT64 "u",
00527                                   expr->id, expression_string_op( expr->op ), expr->line,
00528                                   ESUPPL_IS_LEFT_CHANGED( expr->suppl ),
00529                                   ESUPPL_IS_RIGHT_CHANGED( expr->suppl ),
00530                                   time->full );
00531       assert( rv < USER_MSG_LENGTH );
00532       print_output( user_msg, DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
00533     }
00534 #endif
00536     /* If our expression is on the left of the parent, set the left_changed as needed */
00537     if( (parent->left != NULL) && (parent->left->id == expr->id) ) {
00539       /* If the bit we need to set is already set, stop iterating up tree */
00540       if( ESUPPL_IS_LEFT_CHANGED( parent->suppl ) == 1 ) {
00541         break;
00542       } else {
00543         parent->suppl.part.left_changed = 1;
00544         if( parent->op == EXP_OP_COND ) {
00545           parent->suppl.part.right_changed = 1;
00546         }
00547       }
00549     /* Otherwise, we assume that we match the right side */
00550     } else {
00552       /* If the bit we need to set is already set, stop iterating up tree */
00553       if( ESUPPL_IS_RIGHT_CHANGED( parent->suppl ) == 1 ) {
00554         break;
00555       } else {
00556         parent->suppl.part.right_changed = 1;
00557       }
00559     }
00561     expr = parent;
00563   }
00565   /* If we reached the root expression, push our thread onto the active queue */
00566   if( (ESUPPL_IS_ROOT( expr->suppl ) == 1) && (expr->parent->stmt != NULL) ) {
00568 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00569     if( debug_mode ) {
00570       unsigned int rv = snprintf( user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, "In sim_expr_changed, expr %d, op %s, line %d, left_changed: %d, right_changed: %d, time: %" FMT64 "u",
00571                                   expr->id, expression_string_op( expr->op ), expr->line,
00572                                   ESUPPL_IS_LEFT_CHANGED( expr->suppl ),
00573                                   ESUPPL_IS_RIGHT_CHANGED( expr->suppl ),
00574                                   time->full );
00575       assert( rv < USER_MSG_LENGTH );
00576       print_output( user_msg, DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
00577     }
00578 #endif
00580     funit_push_threads( expr->parent->stmt->funit, expr->parent->stmt, time );
00582   }
00584   PROFILE_END;
00586 }

bool sim_expression ( expression expr,
thread thr,
const sim_time time,
bool  lhs 

Simulates a given expression tree, only performing needed operations as it traverses the tree.

Returns TRUE if this expression has changed value from previous sim; otherwise, returns FALSE.

Recursively traverses specified expression tree, following the ESUPPL_IS_LEFT_CHANGED and ESUPPL_IS_RIGHT_CHANGED bits in the supplemental field. Once an expression is found that has neither bit set, perform the expression operation and move back up the tree. Once both left and right children have calculated values, perform the expression operation for the current expression, clear both changed bits and return.

expr Pointer to expression to simulate
thr Pointer to current thread that is being simulated
time Pointer to current simulation time
lhs Specifies if we should only traverse LHS expressions or RHS expressions

References esuppl_u::clear_changed, DEBUG, debug_mode, ESUPPL_IS_LEFT_CHANGED, ESUPPL_IS_LHS, ESUPPL_IS_RIGHT_CHANGED, ESUPPL_IS_ROOT, EXP_OP_CASE, EXP_OP_CASEX, EXP_OP_CASEZ, EXP_OP_DELAY, EXP_OP_DLY_OP, expression_operate(), FALSE, expression_s::id, expression_s::left, esuppl_u::left_changed, expression_s::op, expression_s::parent, statement_s::part, thread_s::part, esuppl_u::part, print_output(), PROFILE, PROFILE_END, expression_s::right, esuppl_u::right_changed, sim_expression(), expr_stmt_u::stmt, statement_s::suppl, thread_s::suppl, expression_s::suppl, expression_s::table, TRUE, user_msg, and USER_MSG_LENGTH.

Referenced by expression_assign(), expression_op_func__add_a(), expression_op_func__and_a(), expression_op_func__arshift_a(), expression_op_func__divide_a(), expression_op_func__lshift_a(), expression_op_func__mod_a(), expression_op_func__multiply_a(), expression_op_func__or_a(), expression_op_func__rshift_a(), expression_op_func__sub_a(), expression_op_func__xor_a(), sim_expression(), and sim_thread().

00929   bool retval        = FALSE;  /* Return value for this function */
00930   bool left_changed  = FALSE;  /* Signifies if left expression tree has changed value */
00931   bool right_changed = FALSE;  /* Signifies if right expression tree has changed value */
00933   assert( expr != NULL );
00935   /* If our LHS mode matches the needed LHS mode, continue */
00936   if( ESUPPL_IS_LHS( expr->suppl ) == lhs ) {
00938 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00939     if( debug_mode ) {
00940       unsigned int rv = snprintf( user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, "    In sim_expression %d, left_changed %d, right_changed %d, thread %p",
00941                                   expr->id, ESUPPL_IS_LEFT_CHANGED( expr->suppl ), ESUPPL_IS_RIGHT_CHANGED( expr->suppl ), thr );
00942       assert( rv < USER_MSG_LENGTH );
00943       print_output( user_msg, DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
00944     }
00945 #endif
00947     /* Traverse left child expression if it has changed */
00948     if( ((ESUPPL_IS_LEFT_CHANGED( expr->suppl ) == 1) ||
00949          (expr->op == EXP_OP_CASE)                    ||
00950          (expr->op == EXP_OP_CASEX)                   ||
00951          (expr->op == EXP_OP_CASEZ)) &&
00952         ((expr->op != EXP_OP_DLY_OP) || (expr->left == NULL) || (expr->left->op != EXP_OP_DELAY)) ) {
00954       /* Simulate the left expression if it has changed */
00955       if( expr->left != NULL ) {
00956         expr->suppl.part.left_changed = expr->suppl.part.clear_changed;
00957         left_changed = sim_expression( expr->left, thr, time, lhs );
00958       } else {
00959         expr->suppl.part.left_changed = 0;
00960         left_changed                  = TRUE;
00961       }
00963     }
00965     /* Traverse right child expression if it has changed */
00966     if( (ESUPPL_IS_RIGHT_CHANGED( expr->suppl ) == 1) &&
00967         ((expr->op != EXP_OP_DLY_OP) || !thr->suppl.part.exec_first) ) {
00969       /* Simulate the right expression if it has changed */
00970       if( expr->right != NULL ) {
00971         expr->suppl.part.right_changed = expr->suppl.part.clear_changed;
00972         right_changed = sim_expression( expr->right, thr, time, lhs );
00973       } else {
00974         expr->suppl.part.right_changed = 0;
00975         right_changed                  = TRUE;
00976       }
00978     }
00980     /*
00981      Now perform expression operation for this expression if left or right
00982      expressions trees have changed.
00983     */
00984     if( (ESUPPL_IS_ROOT( expr->suppl ) == 0) || (expr->parent->stmt == NULL) || (expr->parent->stmt->suppl.part.cont == 0) || left_changed || right_changed || (expr->table != NULL) ) {
00985       retval = expression_operate( expr, thr, time );
00986     }
00988   }
00990   PROFILE_END;
00992   return( retval );
00994 }

void sim_finish (  ) 

Causes simulator to finish gracefully.

Causes the simulator to finish gracefully.

References FALSE, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, and simulate.

Referenced by expression_op_func__finish().

01208                   { PROFILE(SIM_FINISH);
01210   simulate = FALSE;
01212   PROFILE_END;
01214 }

void sim_initialize (  ) 

Initializes the simulator.

Allocates thread arrays for simulation and initializes the contents of the active_threads array.

References cli_ctrl_c(), cli_debug_mode, debug_mode, flag_use_command_line_debug, malloc_safe, nba_queue_curr_size, nba_queue_size, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, and sim_add_statics().

Referenced by covered_sim_calltf(), and parse_and_score_dumpfile().

01159                       { PROFILE(SIM_INITIALIZE);
01161   /* Create non-blocking assignment queue */
01162   if( nba_queue_size > 0 ) {
01163     nba_queue           = (nonblock_assign**)malloc_safe( sizeof( nonblock_assign ) * nba_queue_size );
01164     nba_queue_curr_size = 0;
01165   }
01167   /* Add static values */
01168   sim_add_statics();
01170 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
01171 #ifndef VPI_ONLY
01172   /* Set the CLI debug mode to the value of the general debug mode */
01173   cli_debug_mode = debug_mode;
01175   /* Add a signal handler for Ctrl-C if we are running in CLI mode */
01176   if( flag_use_command_line_debug ) {
01177     signal( SIGINT, cli_ctrl_c );
01178   }
01179 #endif
01180 #endif
01182   PROFILE_END;
01184 }

static void sim_kill_thread ( thread thr  )  [static]

Removes the specified thread from its parent and the thread simulation queue and finally deallocates the specified thread.

thr Thread to remove from simulation

References thread_s::active_children, thread_s::all_next, thread_s::all_prev, thread_s::curr_time, debug_mode, flag_use_command_line_debug, thread_s::funit, funit_delete_thread(), thread_s::parent, thread_s::part, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, thread_s::queue_next, thread_s::queue_prev, sim_display_active_queue(), sim_display_all_list(), thread_s::suppl, THR_ST_ACTIVE, and THR_ST_WAITING.

Referenced by sim_thread().

00776   assert( thr != NULL );
00778 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00779   if( debug_mode && !flag_use_command_line_debug ) {
00780     printf( "Thread queue before thread is killed...\n" );
00781     sim_display_active_queue();
00782   }
00783 #endif
00785   if( thr->parent != NULL ) {
00787     /* Decrement the active children by one */
00788     thr->parent->active_children--;
00790     /* If we are the last child, re-insert the parent in our place (setting active_head to the parent) */
00791     if( thr->parent->active_children == 0 ) {
00792       thr->parent->queue_next = thr->queue_next;
00793       if( thr->queue_next == NULL ) {
00794         active_tail = thr->parent;
00795       } else {
00796         thr->queue_next->queue_prev = thr->parent;
00797       }
00798       active_head = thr->parent;
00799       thr->parent->curr_time = thr->curr_time;
00800       thr->parent->suppl.part.state = THR_ST_ACTIVE;  /* Specify that the parent thread is now back in the active queue */
00801     } else {
00802       active_head = active_head->queue_next;
00803       if( active_head == NULL ) {
00804         active_tail = NULL;
00805       }
00806     }
00808   } else {
00810     active_head = active_head->queue_next;
00811     if( active_head == NULL ) {
00812       active_tail = NULL;
00813     } else {
00814       active_head->queue_prev = NULL;  /* Here for debug purposes - TBD */
00815     }
00817   }
00819   /* Check to make sure that the thread is not in the waiting state */
00820   assert( thr->suppl.part.state != THR_ST_WAITING );
00822   /* Remove this thread from its functional unit */
00823   funit_delete_thread( thr->funit, thr );
00825   /* Finally, park this thread at the end of the all_queue (if its not already there) */
00826   if( thr != all_tail ) {
00827     if( thr == all_head ) {
00828       all_head           = thr->all_next;
00829       all_head->all_prev = NULL;
00830     } else {
00831       thr->all_prev->all_next = thr->all_next;
00832       thr->all_next->all_prev = thr->all_prev;
00833     }
00834     thr->all_prev      = all_tail;
00835     thr->all_next      = NULL;
00836     all_tail->all_next = thr;
00837     all_tail           = thr;
00838   }
00840   /* If the all_next pointer is NULL, point it to the moved thread */
00841   if( all_next == NULL ) {
00842     all_next = all_tail;
00843   }
00845 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00846   if( debug_mode && !flag_use_command_line_debug ) {
00847     printf( "Thread queue after thread is killed...\n" );
00848     sim_display_active_queue();
00849     sim_display_all_list();
00850   }
00851 #endif
00853   PROFILE_END;
00855 }

void sim_kill_thread_with_funit ( func_unit funit  ) 

Deallocates thread and removes it from parent and thread queue lists for specified functional unit.

Searches the current state of the active queue for the thread containing the specified head statement. If a thread was found to match, kill it. This function is called whenever the DISABLE statement is run.

funit Pointer to functional unit of thread to kill

References thread_s::all_next, thread_s::funit, funit_is_child_of(), thread_s::part, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, and thread_s::suppl.

Referenced by expression_op_func__disable().

00866   thread* thr;  /* Pointer to current thread */
00868   assert( funit != NULL );
00870   /* Kill any threads that match the given functional unit or are children of it */
00871   thr = all_head;
00872   while( thr != NULL ) {
00873     if( (thr->funit == funit) || (funit_is_child_of( funit, thr->funit )) ) {
00874       thr->suppl.part.kill = 1;
00875     }
00876     thr = thr->all_next;
00877   }
00879   PROFILE_END;
00881 }

void sim_perform_nba ( const sim_time time  ) 

Performs non-blocking assignment for currently queued assignment items for the current timestep.

Performs non-blocking assignment for the nba elements in the current nba simulation queue.

time Current simulation time

References nonblock_assign_s::added, cli_debug_mode, debug_mode, flag_use_command_line_debug, nonblock_assign_s::is_signed, nonblock_assign_s::lhs_lsb, nonblock_assign_s::lhs_msb, nonblock_assign_s::lhs_sig, nba_queue_curr_size, vsuppl_u::part, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, nonblock_assign_s::rhs_lsb, nonblock_assign_s::rhs_msb, nonblock_assign_s::rhs_vec, vsuppl_u::set, vector_s::suppl, nonblock_assign_s::suppl, vsignal_s::value, vector_part_select_push(), vsignal_display(), and vsignal_propagate().

Referenced by db_do_timestep().

01251   int              i;
01252   bool             changed;
01253   nonblock_assign* nba;
01255   for( i=0; i<nba_queue_curr_size; i++ ) {
01256     nba     = nba_queue[i];
01257     changed = vector_part_select_push( nba->lhs_sig->value, nba->lhs_lsb, nba->lhs_msb, nba->rhs_vec, nba->rhs_lsb, nba->rhs_msb, nba->suppl.is_signed );
01258     nba->lhs_sig->value->suppl.part.set = 1;
01259 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
01260 #ifndef VPI_ONLY
01261     if( debug_mode && (!flag_use_command_line_debug || cli_debug_mode) ) {
01262       if( i == 0 ) {
01263         printf( "Non-blocking assignments:\n" );
01264       }
01265       printf( "    " );  vsignal_display( nba->lhs_sig );
01266     }
01267 #endif
01268 #endif
01269     if( changed ) { 
01270       vsignal_propagate( nba->lhs_sig, time );
01271     }
01272     nba->suppl.added = 0;
01273   }
01275   /* Clear the nba queue */
01276   nba_queue_curr_size = 0;
01278   PROFILE_END;
01280 }

bool sim_simulate ( const sim_time time  ) 

Simulates current timestep.

Returns TRUE if simulation should continue; otherwise, returns FALSE to indicate that simulation should no longer continue.

This function is the heart of the simulation engine. It is called by the db_do_timestep() function in db.c and moves the statements and expressions into the appropriate simulation functions. See above explanation on this procedure.

time Current simulation time from dumpfile or simulator

References thread_s::curr_time, debug_mode, flag_use_command_line_debug, thread_s::part, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, thread_s::queue_next, thread_s::queue_prev, sim_display_delay_queue(), sim_thread(), simulate, thread_s::suppl, THR_ST_ACTIVE, and TIME_CMP_LE.

Referenced by db_do_timestep().

01120   /* Simulate all threads in the active queue */
01121   while( active_head != NULL ) {
01122     sim_thread( active_head, time );
01123   }
01125   while( (delayed_head != NULL) && TIME_CMP_LE(delayed_head->curr_time, *time) ) {
01127     active_head  = active_tail = delayed_head;
01128     delayed_head = delayed_head->queue_next;
01129     active_head->queue_prev = active_head->queue_next = NULL;
01130     if( delayed_head != NULL ) {
01131       delayed_head->queue_prev = NULL;
01132     } else {
01133       delayed_tail = NULL;
01134     }
01135     active_head->suppl.part.state = THR_ST_ACTIVE;
01137     while( active_head != NULL ) {
01138       sim_thread( active_head, time );
01139     }
01141   }
01143 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
01144   if( debug_mode && !flag_use_command_line_debug ) {
01145     printf( "After delay simulation...\n" );
01146     sim_display_delay_queue();
01147   }
01148 #endif
01150   PROFILE_END;
01152   return( simulate );
01154 }

void sim_stop (  ) 

Causes the simulation to stop and enter into CLI mode.

Stops the simulation and gets the user to a CLI prompt, if possible.

References FALSE, force_stop, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, simulate, and TRUE.

Referenced by expression_op_func__stop().

01189                 { PROFILE(SIM_STOP);
01191 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
01192 #ifndef VPI_ONLY
01193   force_stop = TRUE;
01194 #else
01195   simulate = FALSE;
01196 #endif
01197 #else
01198   simulate = FALSE;
01199 #endif
01201   PROFILE_END;
01203 }

void sim_thread ( thread thr,
const sim_time time 

Simulates one thread until it has either completed or enters a context switch.

Performs statement simulation as described above. Calls expression simulator if the associated root expression is specified that signals have changed value within it. Continues to run for current statement tree until statement tree hits a wait-for-event condition (or we reach the end of a simulation tree).

thr Pointer to current thread to simulate
time Current simulation time to simulate

References cli_execute(), thread_s::curr, DEBUG, debug_mode, ESUPPL_IS_TRUE, statement_s::exp, EXP_OP_CASE, EXP_OP_CASEX, EXP_OP_CASEZ, EXP_OP_DEFAULT, EXP_OP_DELAY, EXP_OP_DLY_ASSIGN, EXPR_IS_CONTEXT_SWITCH, FALSE, sim_time_s::final, force_stop, thread_s::funit, expression_s::id, expression_s::left, statement_s::next_false, statement_s::next_true, expression_s::op, statement_s::part, thread_s::part, print_output(), PROFILE, PROFILE_END, reentrant_dealloc(), thread_s::ren, expression_s::right, sim_expression(), sim_kill_thread(), sim_thread_pop_head(), simulate, expression_s::suppl, statement_s::suppl, thread_s::suppl, user_msg, and USER_MSG_LENGTH.

Referenced by expression_op_func__func_call(), expression_op_func__nb_call(), and sim_simulate().

01007   statement* stmt;                  /* Pointer to current statement to evaluate */
01008   bool       expr_changed = FALSE;  /* Specifies if expression tree was modified in any way */
01010   /* If the thread has a reentrant structure assigned to it, pop it */
01011   if( thr->ren != NULL ) {
01012     reentrant_dealloc( thr->ren, thr->funit, FALSE );
01013     thr->ren = NULL;
01014   }
01016   /* Set the value of stmt with the head_stmt */
01017   stmt = thr->curr;
01020   while( (stmt != NULL) && !thr->suppl.part.kill && simulate ) {
01022 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
01023 #ifndef VPI_ONLY
01024     cli_execute( time, force_stop, stmt );
01025     force_stop = FALSE;
01026 #endif
01027 #endif
01029     /* Place expression in expression simulator and run */
01030     expr_changed = sim_expression( stmt->exp, thr, time, FALSE );
01032 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
01033     if( debug_mode ) {
01034       unsigned int rv = snprintf( user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, "  Executed statement %d, expr changed %d, thread %p", stmt->exp->id, expr_changed, thr );
01035       assert( rv < USER_MSG_LENGTH );
01036       print_output( user_msg, DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
01037     }
01038 #endif
01040     thr->curr = stmt;
01042     /* Set exec_first to FALSE */
01043     thr->suppl.part.exec_first = 0;
01045     if( stmt->suppl.part.cont == 1 ) {
01046        /* If this is a continuous assignment, don't traverse next pointers. */
01047        stmt = NULL;
01048     } else {
01049       if( ESUPPL_IS_TRUE( stmt->exp->suppl ) == 1 ) {
01050         stmt = stmt->next_true;
01051       } else {
01052         stmt = stmt->next_false;
01053       }
01054     }
01056   }
01058   /* If this is the last statement in the tree with no loopback, kill the current thread */
01059   if( (expr_changed && 
01060       (((thr->curr->next_true == NULL) && (thr->curr->next_false == NULL)) ||
01061        (!EXPR_IS_CONTEXT_SWITCH( thr->curr->exp ) && !thr->curr->suppl.part.cont))) ||
01062       (thr->curr == NULL) ||
01063       (!expr_changed && (stmt == NULL) &&
01064        ((thr->curr->exp->op == EXP_OP_CASE)  ||
01065         (thr->curr->exp->op == EXP_OP_CASEX) ||
01066         (thr->curr->exp->op == EXP_OP_CASEZ) ||
01067         (thr->curr->exp->op == EXP_OP_DEFAULT))) ||
01068       thr->suppl.part.kill ||
01069       !simulate ) {
01071 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
01072     if( debug_mode ) {
01073       unsigned int rv = snprintf( user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, "Completed thread %p, killing...\n", thr );
01074       assert( rv < USER_MSG_LENGTH );
01075       print_output( user_msg, DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
01076     }
01077 #endif
01079     /* Destroy the thread */
01080     sim_kill_thread( thr );
01082   /* Otherwise, we are switching contexts */
01083   } else {
01085 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
01086     if( debug_mode ) {
01087       unsigned int rv = snprintf( user_msg, USER_MSG_LENGTH, "Switching context of thread %p...\n", thr );
01088       assert( rv < USER_MSG_LENGTH );
01089       print_output( user_msg, DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
01090     }
01091 #endif
01093     /* Pop this packet out of the active queue */
01094     if( ((thr->curr->exp->op != EXP_OP_DELAY) && 
01095          ((thr->curr->exp->op != EXP_OP_DLY_ASSIGN) || (thr->curr->exp->right->left->op != EXP_OP_DELAY))) ||
01096         time->final ) {
01097       sim_thread_pop_head();
01098     } else {
01099       thr->suppl.part.exec_first = 1;
01100     }
01102   }
01104   PROFILE_END;
01106 }

void sim_thread_insert_into_delay_queue ( thread thr,
const sim_time time 

Inserts the given thread into the delay queue at the given time slot.

This function is called by the expression_op_func__delay() function.

thr Pointer to the thread to add to the delay queue
time Pointer to time to insert the given thread

References thread_s::curr_time, debug_mode, flag_use_command_line_debug, sim_time_s::full, thread_s::part, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, thread_s::queue_next, thread_s::queue_prev, sim_display_all_list(), sim_display_delay_queue(), thread_s::suppl, THR_ST_ACTIVE, THR_ST_DELAYED, and TIME_CMP_GT.

Referenced by expression_op_func__delay(), and sim_add_thread().

00363   thread* curr;  /* Pointer to current thread in delayed queue to compare against */
00365 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00366   if( debug_mode && !flag_use_command_line_debug ) {
00367     printf( "Before delay thread is inserted for time %" FMT64 "u...\n", time->full );
00368   }
00369 #endif
00371   if( thr != NULL ) {
00373     assert( thr->suppl.part.state != THR_ST_DELAYED );
00375 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00376     if( debug_mode && !flag_use_command_line_debug ) {
00377       sim_display_delay_queue();
00378     }
00379 #endif
00381     /* If the thread is currently in the active state, remove it from the active queue now */
00382     if( thr->suppl.part.state == THR_ST_ACTIVE ) {
00384       /* Move the head pointer */
00385       active_head = active_head->queue_next;
00386       if( active_head == NULL ) {
00387         active_tail = NULL;
00388       } else {
00389         active_head->queue_prev = NULL;   /* TBD - Placed here for help in debug */
00390       }
00392     }
00394     /* Specify that the thread is queued and delayed */
00395     thr->suppl.part.state = THR_ST_DELAYED;
00397     /* Set the thread simulation time to the given time */
00398     thr->curr_time = *time;
00400     /* Add the given thread to the delayed queue in simulation time order */
00401     if( delayed_head == NULL ) {
00402       delayed_head = delayed_tail = thr;
00403       thr->queue_prev = NULL;
00404       thr->queue_next = NULL;
00405     } else {
00406       curr = delayed_tail;
00407       while( (curr != NULL) && TIME_CMP_GT(curr->curr_time, *time) ) {
00408         curr = curr->queue_prev;
00409       }
00410       if( curr == NULL ) {
00411         thr->queue_prev          = NULL;
00412         thr->queue_next          = delayed_head;
00413         delayed_head->queue_prev = thr;
00414         delayed_head             = thr;
00415       } else if( curr == delayed_tail ) {
00416         thr->queue_prev          = delayed_tail;
00417         thr->queue_next          = NULL;
00418         delayed_tail->queue_next = thr;
00419         delayed_tail             = thr;
00420       } else {
00421         thr->queue_prev             = curr;
00422         thr->queue_next             = curr->queue_next;
00423         thr->queue_next->queue_prev = thr;
00424         curr->queue_next            = thr;
00425       }
00426     }
00428 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00429     if( debug_mode && !flag_use_command_line_debug ) {
00430       printf( "After delay thread is inserted...\n" );
00431       sim_display_delay_queue();
00432       sim_display_all_list();
00433     }
00434 #endif
00436   }
00438   PROFILE_END;
00440 }

static void sim_thread_pop_head (  )  [static]

Pops the head thread from the active queue without deallocating the thread.

References thread_s::curr, debug_mode, statement_s::exp, EXP_OP_FORK, EXP_OP_FUNC_CALL, EXP_OP_JOIN, EXP_OP_NB_CALL, EXP_OP_TASK_CALL, flag_use_command_line_debug, statement_s::next_true, expression_s::op, thread_s::part, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, thread_s::queue_next, thread_s::queue_prev, sim_display_active_queue(), thread_s::suppl, THR_ST_NONE, and THR_ST_WAITING.

Referenced by sim_thread().

00312                                   { PROFILE(SIM_THREAD_POP_HEAD);
00314   thread* thr = active_head;  /* Pointer to head of active queue */
00316 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00317   if( debug_mode && !flag_use_command_line_debug ) {
00318     printf( "Before thread is popped from active queue...\n" );
00319     sim_display_active_queue();
00320   }
00321 #endif
00323   /* Move the head pointer */
00324   active_head = active_head->queue_next;
00325   if( active_head == NULL ) {
00326     active_tail = NULL;
00327   } else {
00328     active_head->queue_prev = NULL;   /* TBD - Placed here for help in debug */
00329   }
00331   /* Advance the curr pointer if we call sim_add_thread */
00332   if( (thr->curr->exp->op == EXP_OP_FORK)      ||
00333       (thr->curr->exp->op == EXP_OP_JOIN)      ||  /* TBD */
00334       (thr->curr->exp->op == EXP_OP_FUNC_CALL) ||
00335       (thr->curr->exp->op == EXP_OP_TASK_CALL) ||
00336       (thr->curr->exp->op == EXP_OP_NB_CALL) ) {
00337     thr->curr = thr->curr->next_true;
00338     thr->suppl.part.state = THR_ST_NONE;
00339   } else {
00340     thr->suppl.part.state      = THR_ST_WAITING;
00341     thr->suppl.part.exec_first = 1; 
00342   }
00344 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00345   if( debug_mode && !flag_use_command_line_debug ) {
00346     printf( "After thread is popped from active queue...\n" );
00347     sim_display_active_queue();
00348   }
00349 #endif
00351   PROFILE_END;
00353 }

void sim_thread_push ( thread thr,
const sim_time time 

Pushes given thread onto the active queue.

Adds the specified thread to the end of the current simulation queue. This function gets called whenever a head statement has a signal change or the head statement is a delay operation and

thr Pointer to thread to add to the tail of the simulation queue
time Current simulation time of thread to push

References thread_s::curr, thread_s::curr_time, debug_mode, statement_s::exp, EXP_OP_AEDGE, EXP_OP_ALWAYS_COMB, EXP_OP_ALWAYS_LATCH, EXP_OP_EOR, EXP_OP_NEDGE, EXP_OP_PEDGE, EXP_OP_SLIST, EXP_OP_WAIT, flag_use_command_line_debug, expression_s::op, thread_s::part, PROFILE, PROFILE_END, thread_s::queue_next, thread_s::queue_prev, sim_display_active_queue(), sim_display_all_list(), thread_s::suppl, and THR_ST_ACTIVE.

Referenced by funit_push_threads().

00452   exp_op_type op;  /* Operation type of current expression in given thread */
00454 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00455   if( debug_mode && !flag_use_command_line_debug ) {
00456     printf( "Before thread is pushed...\n" );
00457     sim_display_active_queue();
00458   }
00459 #endif
00461   /* Set the state to ACTIVE */
00462   thr->suppl.part.state = THR_ST_ACTIVE;
00464   /* Set the current time of the thread to the given value */
00465   op = thr->curr->exp->op;
00466   if( (op == EXP_OP_PEDGE)       ||
00467       (op == EXP_OP_NEDGE)       ||
00468       (op == EXP_OP_AEDGE)       ||
00469       (op == EXP_OP_EOR)         ||
00470       (op == EXP_OP_WAIT)        ||
00471       (op == EXP_OP_SLIST)       ||
00472       (op == EXP_OP_ALWAYS_COMB) ||
00473       (op == EXP_OP_ALWAYS_LATCH) ) {
00474     thr->curr_time = *time;
00475   }
00477   /* Set the active next and prev pointers to NULL */
00478   thr->queue_prev = thr->queue_next = NULL;
00480   /* Add the given thread to the end of the active_threads queue */
00481   if( active_head == NULL ) {
00482     active_head = active_tail = thr;
00483   } else {
00484     thr->queue_prev         = active_tail;
00485     active_tail->queue_next = thr;
00486     active_tail             = thr;
00487   }
00489 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
00490   if( debug_mode && !flag_use_command_line_debug ) {
00491     printf( "After thread is pushed...\n" );
00492     sim_display_active_queue();
00493     sim_display_all_list();
00494   }
00495 #endif
00497   PROFILE_END;
00499 }

Variable Documentation

thread* active_head = NULL [static]

Pointer to head of active thread list.

thread* active_tail = NULL [static]

Pointer to tail of active thread list.

thread* all_head = NULL [static]

Head of list of all allocated threads.

thread* all_next = NULL [static]

Pointer to next thread to allocate.

thread* all_tail = NULL [static]

Tail of list of all allocated threads.

If set to TRUE, causes debug information to be spewed to screen.

thread* delayed_head = NULL [static]

Pointer to head of delayed thread list.

thread* delayed_tail = NULL [static]

Pointer to tail of delayed thread list.

exp_info exp_op_info[EXP_OP_NUM]

Array containing static information about expression operation types. NOTE: This structure MUST be updated if a new expression is added! The third argument is an initialization to the exp_info_s structure.

Specifies whether the command-line debugger should be enabled

bool force_stop = FALSE [static]

Causes simulation to stop and invoke the CLI prompt, if possible.

Referenced by sim_stop(), and sim_thread().

nonblock_assign** nba_queue = NULL [static]

Non-blocking assignment queue.

int nba_queue_curr_size = 0 [static]

The current number of nba structures in the nba_queue.

Referenced by sim_add_nonblock_assign(), sim_initialize(), and sim_perform_nba().

int nba_queue_size = 0

The allocated size of the non-blocking assignment queue.

Referenced by expression_create_nba(), sim_dealloc(), and sim_initialize().

bool simulate = TRUE [static]

Global variable used to cause simulator to stop simulation. Do not directly modify this variable!

Referenced by sim_finish(), sim_simulate(), sim_stop(), sim_thread(), and vcd_parse_sim().

Pointer to head of expression list that contains all expressions that contain static (non-changing) values. These expressions will be forced to be simulated, making sure that correct coverage numbers for expressions containing static values is maintained.

Pointer to tail of expression list that contains all expressions that contain static (non-changing) values. These expressions will be forced to be simulated, making sure that correct coverage numbers for expressions containing static values is maintained.

const char* thread_state_str[4] = {"NONE", "ACTIVE", "DELAYED", "WAITING"} [static]

List of thread state string names.

Referenced by sim_display_thread().

char user_msg[USER_MSG_LENGTH]

Holds some output that will be displayed via the print_output command. This is created globally so that memory does not need to be reallocated for each function that wishes to use it.

Generated on Sun Nov 21 00:55:41 2010 for Covered by  doxygen 1.6.3