perf_stat_s Struct Reference

#include <defines.h>

Data Fields

uint32 op_exec_cnt [EXP_OP_NUM]
float op_cnt [EXP_OP_NUM]

Detailed Description

Performance statistic container used for simulation-time performance characteristics.

Field Documentation

float perf_stat_s::op_cnt[EXP_OP_NUM]

Specifies the number of expressions containing the associated operation

Referenced by perf_gen_stats(), and perf_output_mod_stats().

uint32 perf_stat_s::op_exec_cnt[EXP_OP_NUM]

Specifies the number of times that the associated operation was executed

Referenced by perf_gen_stats(), and perf_output_mod_stats().

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Generated on Sun Nov 21 00:55:43 2010 for Covered by  doxygen 1.6.3